Ideas from a software architecture convention

This Saturday, I had attended a software architecture convention in Bangalore. Even though the discussion topic was on digital collaboration in Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 (MOSS) there was a case study and problem solving which I liked the most .

There are some good features in MOSS – nice because they are integrated
1) Document Collaboration – document management system ( like Interwoven,Filenet,Doucmentum )
2) Collaboration Workspace
3) One can link MOSS to Office Communication Server for free VOIP calls
4) Online presence for users to communicate
5) There are plugins inbuilt which can take data from ERP systems, like SAP,Siebel etc and display in various formats.

How about a enterprise mashup doing all the needful stuff ; I think that would be a better way for the long run. In order to reflect any change ( e.g change in email notification ) , in the above case the module/s having notification addresses needs to be updated.

In a mashup, you just change the mashup handling notification messages with the new address .. wont that be much more better.

If you are new to mashups, please read it here. Sadly enough MOSS 2007 does not have any place for mashups.